Project Moonbase
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Monday, 1 January 2007


When? Where? How?

Project Moonbase is a weekly podcast (formerly a weekly radio show on Leith FM). New episodes of the show are posted every Sunday evening. Each week DJ Bongoboy and purveyor of disinformation MC Zirconium bring you the historic sound of the future!

The Moonbase Manifesto

Here at Project Moonbase we like to bring you music we hope you've never heard before but which will instantly put a smile on your face and get your toes tapping. We love space age bachelor pad, library music, charity shop cheese, ping pong stereo, Moog music, sitar-driven psychedelia, lounge, the retro-futuristic, contemporary electronica, soundtrack music, radiophonics, Euro pop, orchestral pop and much much more. In addition to the music, we also bring you news of the strange, the weird, the futuristic and anything to do with hovering forms of transport, condiments and toast.